Sick and tired
Yeah, I think I may have the beginnings of a cold or something. Not good. This is the time when I have to work on all those assignments due only a few days from now. Too bad my immune system's not really cooperating all that well. Could be worse, though; at least I don't have that awful cough/difficult breathing problem Susan's been having... :/
Apparently I was more nervous to do our group presentation today than I realized; while I was doing my part of the presentation, I could feel myself shaking while I talked, and after I was finished I was still shaking. Weirdest thing. Never happened like that before. I was just like "Um, what's going on? What's wrong with me?" Really, I don't remember ever having that happen before, even in my ultra-ultra-shy days...
At least my presentation can provide me with one [slightly] amusing tidbit: last night, when I was reading through my part aloud, I was supposed to say "Canada and the US, Europe, Central and South America, and the Middle East." But, wouldn't you know it -- I said "and the Middle-earth" instead. Ay carumba! I couldn't believe I said it. But there it is; the definitive proof that I really AM a geek, if you still needed proof. Could also have been because it was 1:00 AM and I was a little out of it... :)
Okay, gotta go read a case for Management Accounting class so I can work on it with my group (not the same group I presented with today...that was for Business Information Systems class) tomorrow. BAH!